
Course Description

This program will help students develop a working knowledge of print reading, structural shapes and line interpretation. It also covers safety issues related to the welding and cutting of metal. Students learn the types and uses of personal protection equipment (PPE) and the techniques for handling and storing fuel and other gas cylinders. Students learn the safety and fire risks associated with electrical equipment and learn basic first-aid procedures. They also train on handling fire extinguishers.

Print Reading Course Content

  • Identify the different views of a multi-view drawing
  • Identify the features of a part in an orthographic drawing
  • Interpret the function of given lines in a drawing based on the characteristics of the lines
  • Compare and contrast common features of a part in both orthographic and isometric drawings
  • Identify the various additional views used in shop drawings
  • Relate the purpose of each of the various additional views used in shop drawings
  • Interpret additional views for the information expressed in these drawings
  • Correlate the information being conveyed in additional views to the multi-view drawing of the part

Safety in Welding and Cutting Course Content

  • Describe safety essentials in welding
  • Describe the SDS
  • Describe welding PPE
  • Describe electricity
  • Distinguish between primary and secondary electric shock
  • Describe how insulation and PPE can help prevent electric shock
  • Describe the aspects of welding equipment that help to prevent electric shock
  • Describe the dangers of the fume plume
  • Describe how to prevent inhalation of toxic fumes
  • Describe how to ensure safety in a confined space
  • Define flammables and combustibles in welding
  • Identify cylinder labels
  • Describe cylinder handling and storage
  • Describe first aid procedures for common welding injuries

30 Clock Hours: Class - 30; CEUs - 3

Minimum enrollment numbers must be met in order for Weld School or Seminar & Workshop trainings to be held.  Trainings with less than the required minimum enrollment are subject to cancellation or rescheduling at the discretion of the WTTC Program Manager, Business Manager, or Manager of Technical Services. Classes will be cancelled no less than fourteen (14) working days before the scheduled start day of class and enrollees will be contacted.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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